11:51, my time. I am finally getting tired, but it has taken awhile. My body has been doing weird stuff since I've come off working nights. I keep thinking that it shouldn't be such a big deal because it is light all the time up here, but apparently I am wrong. I keep on being hungry at odd times and then I don't get as tired (but that could just be because it is so light). At this point I don't care about the reasons, I am just slightly annoyed with the symptoms. The food is still good, though, and the people are still really nice. I am now friends with the D&M people, some of Slickline, and half of the kitchen staff. I am planning on taking over the world with friendliness eventually, but please don't tell anyone as it might ruin my plans.
Today wasn't super productive. I ran in circles with my project that I am suppose to be doing this summer. No one really knows what to do with it. All the manager people/people in charge that are here either think it is a time waster that won't have a productive out come or that it is way to big of a project to take on in 6 weeks (Well...4 more weeks, really, because we are 2 on, 1 off). My FSM (field service manager) who assigned the project is currently on some sort of leave/vacation thing, so calling him isn't really an option. I've recieved some opinions about what I should do with it from people here and elsewhere (thanks dad), but I still am not sure and will be searching for some kind of clarification before I fly to Anchorage on Wednesday.
Speaking of Wednesday. WOOT! I like being up here because it is interesting and new, but I can see why people look forward to their week (s) off. The job isn't bad at all, it is just....time consuming. Working twelve hour shifts every day for two weeks without a day or afternoon off is kind of weird to get used to. I continue to lose track of what day it is because I don't have a week to reference from, or look forward to. Everyone here always has plans for what they want to do when they leave the slope. A summer hire is going to go camping with his girlfriend and their mutual friends, some of the shop guys are going on a boating trip together, a couple are going to hang out with their families, and getting drunk is definitely involved in quite a few of the plans I have heard. Since my week off coincides with a lot of the guys' weeks off, I have had some offers of being shown cool places in Anchorage and neat trails to hike on. All of them have advice for interesting/non-touristy adventures to go on, but we will see what the interns and I decide in the end. I know that I definitely want to go kayaking and a couple of us are planning on that, and there are some votes for a trip to Denali National Park, but that is an 8 hour train ride just to get there. There are some movies and restaurants we definitely want to go to, and basically just hanging out without having to be busy doing something will be nice.
On a side note, I took a fit test/respirator test yesterday. I would just like to thank my parents, the french horn, and running, before I go any further. Before we could get fitted with a respirator, we had to blow into a machine that measured our lung capacity. This has to be done at least 3 times with similar results before going on is allowed, and the results tell you your "lung age" or something along those lines. My lung age is n/a because, as the nurse put it, they are freakishly strong. I scored a 127 percent of the capacity I should have, and apparently after 120 percent the machine can't predict what your lung age is. My fellow interns had lung ages of 10-46 year olds but I was the only one off the charts. Aren't you glad that you now know why I can talk so much, mom? You should have given me worse lung genes. :D
And with that I am ready for bed. I will probably get up at 6 and wander down the hallway to work at 7 am (it is soooo convenient having your main job/mechanics shop in the building you live in!!!) and then proceed to be productive for the rest of the day. I hope you all have a wonderful fathers day and that somebody makes dad brownies for me. Preferably without walnuts in them, as that sullys the amazing taste. Basically, if that happens don't tell me please, because I will become depressed at the ruined brownie-ness and be forced to eat more sugar cookies (so amazing!) from the kitchen here in compensation.
I love you all!!!
Becca...I so look forward to each of your posts...I am glad you are having a good time, and that life is so good for you.
Love you,
G'ma J
Becca: I vote for the train ride to Denali National Park. You can spend several days just touring the park. I recommend Talkeetna as a great view of Mt. McKinley (Denali). The train ride offers a lot of scenery that you probably will not see otherwise. Be watching for wildlife. Love, Mary
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