Thursday, November 18, 2010

The Statement I Wasn't Expecting

"Hey, just so you know, I turned in my letter of resignation this morning."

And no, before any panicking occurs, I did not say this. One of my very good friends, who I knew even before coming to this part of the world told me this after lunch today. We were walking back to our rooms when she let me know and frankly, right now I am kind of in shock. She is brilliant, fun, interesting, and amazing support when I'm at my most miserable. We've talked over the internet for so long and she's sent me helpful Bible verses when I wasn't sure I could find encouragement. And now she is leaving on Sunday to go back home for good. She's just decided that the lifestyle isn't for her  and it kind of breaks my heart a little. Not because she has made a choice that she feels at peace with, but because, in all my selfishness, I will miss waving at her in the hall in the morning, making fun of the food over lunch, and knowing that even after this school, she would only be an MOC (kinda like yahoo messenger) away if I needed to vent, celebrate, or just chat.  We were interns together, started in OFS-1 together, and were able to meet back up in school together, even though we are in different segments. And somewhere in the back of my mind, I had convinced myself that if she could do it, then so could I. And her leaving leaves me somewhat insecure...I know I can do this and I am not going to quit..yet. However when will I draw that line in the sand? When will I say that no..I a better work/life balance, or I want to see my nieces and nephews grow up, or I want RedBox (hehehe)? Not soon. But if/when that day comes, I hope I am as poised in my decision making as she was.

I love you all and I promise I will write happier things with regards to my mini-vacation, scuba diving lessons, and Adam almost being here(!) soon.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Becca...I am so sorry you have lost your immediate support system. I do know, in some manner how you feel, as when I lived in California with three babies, and my next door neighbor who was my main support system, and helped me go places with the babies, told me they were going to move away...I was devistated. However...they didn't. Several years later we left California, and they were still there. Hope she reconsiders.

Love you, G'ma J