Saturday, January 15, 2011

And regular posts will now resume

I am back! In Labuan, I mean. You already know I was in Kansas. And it was glorious!! I got to have Christmas with my entire family which was fun, busy, sometimes loud, and an incredibly good time. I met my gorgeous niece for the first time and may've fallen for her a little. She is so small cute! She makes these little squinchy faces that are so entertaining (and then, of course, she cries and I quickly hand her back to her mom)... :) I miss all of my siblings and siblings-in-law so much when I am gone. I love having a family that is wonderful enough to miss and I wish I could be there to be more involved in all the fun things that happening in your lives! However, that will be soon enough, because even though this job is challenging and interesting, I will not be in Malaysia forever. When I am back for good, be prepared! We will have so much fun together!! I loved getting to stay at home and enjoying our parents presence. From the beating on each other, to teasing, to just hanging out with them, it was just wonderfully...home-like. Finally, it was indescribably good to get to see and spend time with Adam, unpixelated, and in person. Lets just say that I have no doubts in my mind about the fact that I picked an absolute winner for a boyfriend. Every single subsequent day with him just makes that more and more clear. :)

However, as wonderful as vacation was, it is now over and I am back to working again. Labuan is as I left it; warm, rainy, and full of smiling people. I have jumped full on into my post-school control cards (6 out of 24 down) and will hopefully head out to a job in the next 10 days. If not, I will just keep on doing my post school studying and shop training. My goal? To breakout (work jobs by myself) as soon as possible.

My favorite part about being back so far is that I've met some Australians! Randomly and in the supermarket. They approached me and asked how long I've been here (they are a married couple in their 30s), and then offered to help give me basically a support group of other westerners, along with some great advice about where to find beef that won't make me visit the bathroom for hours.  Along with that and some cream of mushroom soup, I can make some excellent stroganoff!

Well, that is all for now. Just wanted to let you know I was alive.

Love you guys!!



dj said...

It is so fun to catch up on what you are up to. I'm so glad you had a great visit in KS. Love you. Grdma D

Unknown said...

So nice to talk with you yesterday! I really miss you.
