Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Thursday in life, brought to you by random Malaysian Medicines!

First, I would like to brag very quickly. I just set a new record for "Most Hours Slept in One Day Since New Years Day Two Years ago." I believe the new number is 18. And believe me, it was wonderful. And I slept relatively early last night. :)

Now lets go back in time.

Monday was, of course, Valentines day and it was actually pretty nice. I had bought myself some American chocolate in advance and it's not super celebrated on this side of the world. Adam and I did make Valentines Day cards for each other and we showed/read them over skype which turned out to be pretty fun. He is definitely more artistically talented than me, but that is all I will say. I had a good 36 hours of Valentines day because I had all of mine, plus, I got to sneak order pizza for dinner for Adam in Manhattan to end out my Valentines Day experience when it was already Tuesday morning (my time). The rest of it was just normal work. My manager has been gone for a week, so some days it is kind of difficult to motivate myself to work at all, really, but I am trying. It helps that he came back this morning, so...TO THE GRINDSTONE!

Tuesday night I made spaghetti with unfrozen chicken from the market and promptly 3 hours later I started feeling sick to my stomach. Thus began the next 24 hour of not-feeling-good. This was compounded by a weird allergic reaction/rash on my legs that has been bothering me for about a week (promise I won't start complaining about my kidneys and failing eyesight too!). I kept thinking these things would go away so, of course, I didn't go to the doctor. I know there is a new Klinik here that is much better than Klinik Wilayah, but...I really just don't enjoy doctors visits here.

So, I went to sleep, woke up and decided against being miserable at work, then went back to sleep for multiple hours. Woke up again, ate something and promptly felt sick, then had to promise Adam I would call the doctor immediately (under the threat that he harass me about it instead of going to sleep until I did), which I did. A van dropped me off about 20 minutes later and after a short-ish (for Malaysia) wait, the doctor gave me several opinions:

a) I had bad bacteria again
b) I looked skinnier
c) I probably had an allergic reaction
d) Coconut oil ROCKS

Part (d) only occurred because he decided to spend 20 minutes of the interview espousing it's awesomeness and incredible healing properties. And he gave me a prescription to get a bottle from the counter.

And shockingly enough, the combination of anti-itch meds, a random cream whose purpose I do not know, and the coconut oil do amazing things in 16 hours and I am feeling much better today, if still really tired. Hopefully by the weekend I will be as good as new.

I revisited an aerobics class on Monday that I'd participated in once last fall. It was very fun, tiring, and I really do want to go back again. It takes place Monday, Wednesday, and Friday for about an hour. We do marching, jumping, kicking, and shaking and I dislike messing up the steps because the teacher then calls you out by name in order to correct you. She also has a very decided Chinese accent so I have to control my urge to laugh out loud every time she counts down, "Fow, Tree, Two, Von." She is awesome, though, so I promise I am not making fun of her, just enjoying myself while I exercise!

Today is the last day of Chinese New Year (HOORAY!). It is definitely the loudest holiday I've ever seen that never seems to end. The groups of people beating drums in the back of trucks has definitely increased, and I'm told that tonight will be especially noisy.  I am going to go outside my house tonight to watch a Buddha statue be carried past my house from one temple to the next. That is, if I don't fall asleep first. :) I definitely am planning on a nap after work regardless of anything!  Also on the plan for this evening : Chicken soup! I am going to be making homemade noodles and everything. Hopefully (a) it will taste good and (b) it will last for at least a couple days of leftovers.

Oh yes, finally, job update. We are still waiting (of course), but Shwetha (the training manager here) has sent a letter to America saying that they want me to work there so we will see what happens now. Hopefully something will happen and it will happen soon!! In the meantime I will continue to work on my breakout presentation and making sure I am 100 percent confident with the material I am supposed to know.

I wish for you all a thunderstorm like the one we had last evening!

Love you.


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