Seriously. This page, just to load, took about 5 minutes, but I am grateful that I have internet to use occasionally. I just hope it doesn't take as long to upload!
I am sorry there has been a bit of a dry spell in my communications (skype, facebook, phone calls, blogging) with you all. My week has been hectic, random, and both incredibly long and short at the same time. This week has also been a week of many firsts!
Number 1: Helicopter ride
It was so cool! Just getting to the helicopter was neat. We (a barge engineer, roughneck, and I) were led by an airport worker into a glass-encased area where we quickly ran our bags through a machine, weighed our bags and ourselves (so they could make sure the helicopter could hold us all and they could distribute weight properly if they needed to), and then followed them up to a general waiting area. Then we went from that area with a couple more workers to another waiting area in a relatively empty hallway full of different gates. Finally went through another gate and some more security then we walked down to a van. The van took us through a windy road to another part of the airport where we sat in a room and were given earphones and a life vest then we had to watch a 15 minute video about helicopter safety and what to do if it crashed. There are a lot of steps. Then we finally got to go over to the helicopter. Of course at this point in time a rainstorm came through so we had to wait 15 minutes until it passed. While we were waiting a little tractor pulled us out on the tarmac, then they did some random checks and testing, Finally we were ready to go! Lifting of fin a helicopter is kinda weird, because it feels like the back half is going to come up, and then when the bottom half does lift up and we initially start moving up, the nose goes down. And also, at first when it gets turned on the whole helicopter pulsingly vibrates and so do the passengers which feels really weird until it starts rotating fast enough, and then it is ok.
Probably my favorite part of the ride was being so close to the ground. I loved getting to see how Brunei is laid out, and all the cool jungle, neighborhoods, and even the palace laying below. The water was pretty cool too, though slightly freaky because I kept on thinking about what crashing would be like.
The ride took about 20 minutes and then we arrived and landed on the helipad of the rig. Then workers from the rig then made a human path outside the helicopter for us to follow so we didn’t actually wander into the path of the blade’s radius.
All in all, a cool experience.
Number 2: Off-shore rig= So neat!! I am
I am on a jack-up rig, which is a rig that sits on stilts that connect to the ocean floor. This means that the rig doesn’t move up and down with the waves (thank goodness, because I get sea sick!). However, the cool thing about this rig is that most of the walkways are made of corrugated metal so wherever I am I can look down and see the ocean moving below me. Also, every single direction I look the ground is moving. I keep on looking for wildlife, but haven’t seen any fishes yet.
There are not a lot of places to go since it is a confined area, but I am not going stir-crazy yet. At the moment I am just trying to get used to my schedule, which was supposed to start as a midnight to noon, but for the first couple of days was definitely not that because my cell manager wanted me to make sure I would be conscious for action on the rig when it happened. However, I have finally started, and I am enjoying myself. Also, as far as working locations go, this is a really nice one. We have friendly coworkers, ok food, a gym (which I am often too tired to use), and tvs in our rooms.
Also, in other news….I have found out that I am being transferred back to America to work! The opportunity came up a week ago and I told my manager that I would be interested in the opportunity, and so now I am supposed to be in Lousiana around the 23rd of April! Am I excited?! Yes. I will definitely let you guys know more when I know more. Pretty much we will finish this section of the well and then I have to pack, and will be on my way back! Woot!!!!
With that, I feel like I should go because my shift is about to start. I love you and miss you all and I can’t wait to hopefully see you guys soon!!!
Have a wonderful, awesome, relaxing Thursday!
Frist of all: FIRST! :P
Secondly, I'm so excited for your return! I'm actually thinking about moving back to Disney next summer, so of course I'll be commuting through Lousiana a couple times a year if that's the case. That means I could see you more than just once every 5 years. I like this thought a lot!! So excited for you.
Thirdly, have they told you about the wildlife? Are there going to be shark or whale sightings?! That would be awesome!
Love and miss you!
It sounds like everything is working perfectly well in your life! I am so happy for you. Enjoy the rig-hope you see a lot of big fish. See you soon!
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