Ok, time to blog again! It is harder for me to find time because I am not sure what you will actually be interested in reading about my life when I am actually on an oil rig. To be honest, it is interesting and I am learning an incredible amount, but at the same time every day is relatively repetitive. I wake up at 10:30 pm, eat breakfast and watch tv for an hour. Then I wander over to my office on the rig, which is called the MWD Unit. Once there I set up my computer and find out what happened in the 12 hours since I was last there. From there on, my night is an open book. I may go to the rig floor, geoservices unit, or work on something in my own office. I do have several reports that need to be sent every morning so that always keeps me busy for a little while. And when I run out of productive things to do I start learning again. There are an endless (it seems) number of things to learn on an oil rig. Whether it’s about well control, rig systems, safety procedures, my job, other 3rd parties and the important things they contribute; the list could go on for awhile. Then of course, when the anomalies or interesting (as in things go wrong) things happen, it is hard to describe them because they are kind of technical and their explanation could take awhile.
However, with that said, this particular well is interesting because we are experiencing difficulties with it and the length of time it’s going to be until the well has finished has just been increased by at least one week. However, even though we won’t be drilling during that time, I will still be on the rig. It’s almost like a free one week vacation on a rig. To be honest, I could think of better places to vacation, but it will be ok. The food is good, and I still have a gym and cable, so I think I will not go crazy.
Fun fact about when I am on rigs: when I’m out here it feels like I am not in the business of oil, but rather the business of collecting bruises. I work around mostly metal and there are always corners to walk around or a low lying beam to dodge or something heavy to move around. Due to this I have been adding small bruises to my body every day. I’m not particularly upset about it, but I do think it is funny. If I was in the US and around Adam, people would think he was abusive. And I may bump into things normally, but the more tired I am, the more I bump into things or forget where all the edges of my equipment are.
My coworkers on this rig are super nice. My cell manager is very laid back and extremely knowledgeable. Every time I think I know something, he just shows me how much I really don’t know about how to work in the field. However, he is very nice and patient so as long as I soak it up and truly seem like I care, he doesn’t mind explaining processes and procedures. The night engineer I work with is also laid back. He and I joke around a bit more, but he is also very helpful. He allows me to do a lot of hands on stuff and rarely gets involved unless I have a question for him. Also, the management on the rig is quite patient with me as well. One of them gave me some books about the systems on oil rigs which has been incredibly helpful, and another gave me positive feedback for my participation in the safety program on the rig. OH!! And every week they give out an award for the best STOP card, best Obsvervation, best Intervention (all with regards to safety) for the week. I got the best Intervention this week!! And they announced it in the Sunday meeting (while I was sleeping :D ). I was very proud. I get a certificate, but I need to go pick it up from the safety officer’s office.
I don’t feel ready for work today as I had a really long shift last night and my head is pounding right now (yes, mom, I took Tylenol AND ibuprofen). It’s ok though, because it should be a slow night and I might get a chance to grab a nap somewhere in there. If not, I’ll just chug more drugs and make it through somehow.
As far as I know, I’m still on for coming back to the US around the 23rd of April. Probably tomorrow or Wednesday I’ll call my manager and ask her what day she wants me to fly off the rig. Then I’ll let you all know!
I almost forgot to tell you : I saw the moon tonight. It’s a bit funny because I when I glanced up, the song “Talking to the Moon” by Bruno Mars popped into my head. I was walking from the accommodation to my unit and usually the sky and water are pitch black (it is cloudy a lot here). However, tonight the clouds parted and there is a gorgeous crescent moon outside. Just the type of moon that you could sit on the edge of while you throw a fishing line off of, or maybe even curl up in for a quick nap. It was sitting in the sky right above another oil rig in the distance which looked really cool. The little lights on the rig twinkled, but the moons brightness totally blew them away. Below the moon there was a pathway of light on the water leading from the skyline directly to me. I couldn’t help but stop and watch it for a little bit. I feel so privileged that I get an opportunity to see beauty like that in such a unique location. It seems so soft and…friendly, almost, in comparison with my usual surroundings which are a bit stark and rigid.
Maybe I’ll talk to the moon a little bit tonight. If you guys get the chance to see her tomorrow in Kansas or wherever you are, stop and look at her, because I’m passing along a message through her: I love and miss you so much. I hope your nights are as nice and beautiful as mine has turned out to be.
Oh Becca, you're little comment about the moon is so cute. Actually, it's odd that you would mention that. I was visiting mayetta just this weekend and I happened to go out to my car. I was stopped dead in my tracks by how beautiful the night sky was. It was almost as though I've forgotten what the stars are meant to look like. And the moon was there too, just a little sliver. I almost rethought my whole city-lifestyle... almost. ;)
So any word on when you'll be able to make it up to Kansas? Ally will be here in June ;)
=) I'm excited about you coming back to the USA.
Love you, G'ma J
ACTUALLY!!! So I was supposed to come off the rig for a couple of days due to bed space issues and then go back on, but apparently they want me back in Louisiana either on the 20th or on the 23rd, so either way, I am going to be back by the 23rd!! As for Kansas? Well, I am not sure what my schedule will be at first, but I hope to fly up my first weekend I am down there. We will see :)
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