Tortuosity is defined as a twisted or crooked part, passage, or thing.
I happened upon it this morning while reading a document over Shocks and Vibrations that I had forgotten about the majority of information in. Never again! Mainly because it is full of cool, fun words. In addition to tortuosity, we also have some others I especially like, such as torsion, magnetometer, chassis, chaotic, mitigation, restitution, lubricity (!), trajectory, and contractual. I know several of these are normal sorts of words, but they are still fun anyway.
I spent my morning reviewing things and taking care of some work house keeping while listening to the lovely bangs and stomping going on overhead. Currently there is a massive renovation project going on at our base, and as of last week sometime they have been working directly overhead in the office. I am quite thankful for the banging, actually, becuase at least it is not power saws (which were being used last week).
I have finished all of my control cards at this point, and have begun working solely on shop training in order to get it finished before i go out to any rigs. This part isn't so bad. I learn something and then go down and talk to or work with the technicians in order for them to verify that I understand the information. Kind of like college still, but more low key. I am still waiting on the word from the US tellin me whether or not I will be allowed to go on loan there, but in the mean time I requested admission for my second school in the US in September. Well, actually, I requested it several weeks ago but it had not been approved by my manager, so I went to him today to ask why. Apparently he had just not seen the email for approval when it was sent. So, after he searched for about 10 minutes through his email in order to find it, I am officially enrolled in Scope School in Houston, Tx for September of this year! We will see if there will be any last minute changes, but it is a ways off, so I am not worried about that yet. :)
There has been some incredible amounts of precipitation in Labuan lately. The most recent example I have is that it rained for almost 48 hours straight, with the intensity generally at the level where I cannot watch any TV shows because the satellite is out. This is ok with me because I have a lot of movies and tv shows on my external hard drive (Thanks Helen and Ross!!!) and intense rain is good for intense napping. Currently outside the sky looks kind of a sickly yellow blue, as if it can't really decide if it wants to downpour again, or if it is done throwing a fit. Only time will tell!
Finally, I am so excited that the Green Bay Packers won the Superbowl! Even more exciting : Jordy Nelson plays for them!!!!!!!! So I am really looking forward to going home this evening and looking at pictures and highlights while I am relaxing.
I hope you are all well and enjoying a good sleep right now.
Love you guys!
What is with all these made up words? I think that you made up a few words (i.e. tortuosity, lubricity, etc.)and threw them in with words that actually exist (i.e. chassis, trajectory, etc.) just to confuse people. Just want to let you know: I'm on to you!
Shhh...keep it on the down-low please because they are just so much fun!
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