Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Every Day is an Adventure

I adore quotes. However, I feel like walking around using them, or even putting them in my blog all the time might seem kind of weird, but I think I might start putting a them in once or twice a week anyway. They are fun! For today I saw a quote by G.K. Chesterton (no clue who he/she is) that said, "An adventure is only an inconvenience rightly considered. An inconvenience is an adventure wrongly considered." Which is simple and slightly redundant, but I love it! I especially have a problem with this, and as my mother says, I am her up and down daughter. One moment I am in love with life, adventure, fun, happiness, and all the wonderful things in between. Then some sort of inconvenience wanders through my path and the world is in shambles and might never be right again. I am not bi-polar, but instead I am incredibly reactionary. I often don't realize I am doing it, actually until someone points it out and I can forcibly try switching over my attitude/viewpoint. I have so much practice with it at this point that it has become a skill set of sorts. However, I feel like I need to take the pompous-sounding Chesterton's viewpoint on adventure a little more often. I need to embrace both the positive AND negative inconveniences in my life a little more equally.
I was thinking about the above subject today because though I am enjoying my new adventure on the rig, I am already dealing with some un-fun inconveniences in the form of clashing personality/work styles with another engineer on the rig and it causes some severe frustration while I am working and it increases the stress of situations where I am trying to submit logs and deal with higher-ups and this person at the same time. Though it started getting a bit better this morning, I know that I have not been facing this small form of adventure with the right attitude and I can do a bit better now that I've realized what I am up against. Hopefully :)

I am getting more used to this particular rig and how things are done on it, however. Every rig is made up of rig, cleaning, cooking, drilling co, and multiple service co crews. Therefore, any given rig I will ever go on is going to be different than the last one because there will never be the same combination of crews on the same rig. So every single time I go to a new job I have to figure out how I fit in with the new crew. Is the geologist going to be knowledgeable or just pushy? What are the co men like? How helpful are the roughnecks? Have the drillers worked with my company before or do I have to explain huge amounts of information to them? Anyway, it is kind of fun and kind of a pain (er...adventure!) so I at least my job is relatively dynamic.

However, since I have decided I need a little more positivity after the last couple days, I am going to make a list of the of all the things that I am enjoying about being here:

- How quickly days on my job actually pass by. I always have something I can be doing and once I get going a 12 hour shift only really feels like 6 or so hours.
- The food. There is so much of it and it is generally pretty tasty. However it is easy to turn it down so I don't have to be airlifted out of my room on the rig at the end of my hitch.
- The interesting characters on the rig. There are 19 yr old roughnecks, up to 60 yr old geologists and company men. They are from countries all over the world and always have had an interesting history.
- The way disagreements are resolved. Yelling, swearing and storming off might occur, but at the end of the day I have never seen a disagreement end unprofessionally and the next day it is like the encounter never even happened.
- The tv that is watched. It is usually either sports or some kind of news channel (generally CNN or Fox). I don't love the sports channel, but I like it that they enjoy watching the outside world too.
- The data. So freaking cool...
- Other rigs. We get to watch activity on rigs and drilling ships in the distance from our own. The most recent cool thing was our semi-sub neighbor burning of excess gas coming from the well. FLAME!!! Bwahaahaha...
- Friendly people.

And that is it!!

I hope all of you are having a great Wednesday as mine is winding down. Time for sleep :)

Love you,


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It's so good to hear from you! You must have gotten used to the constant swaying, as you didn't mention it this time.

It's great that you and Adam will be able to spend some time together next week and this summer.

Glad you are "learning the ropes"...soon it'll be second nature to you.

Good luck with your driver training classes.

Love you, G'ma J