Monday, May 16, 2011

A Bit Ridiculous

Hello peoples,

Promise this won't be a rant, but this is a little frustrating. I have tried starting to write this same blog post about 7 or 8 times in the past week. I always get about halfway through this post (and it is actually pretty long) and then I get called away to do something, my computer dies, or I have to open another program that mandatorily (is this a word) shuts down my internet windows. So to some degree I feel like this particular post is cursed. Also, I am getting tired of writing the same thing over and over again only to have to think about writing it again.

So I have given up on giving you all the details. Instead I will write random sentences about my weeks without all the details and if you would like to know more, you are welcome to email, facebook, or post a comment and I promise to respond with all the details you would like.

- Family picnics rock. Everyone should have a picnic for their birthday. And...Happy Birthday TORI!!!!
-I suck at croquet. If you would ever like to have your ego boosted, then you should play croquet against me.
- Every daughter should get to spend one adult day just hanging out with her dad. Especially if her dad is pretty cool.
- Equal time should get to be spent with her mom, and even if she doesn't get the exact same time it will probably be pretty incredible regardless.
-It should be noted that when one's mother says, "Let's look at bridesmaid dresses." It is really an evil plot to make one try on fluffy white ones instead.
- Seeing all the important people in my life is actually kind of stressful scheduling-wise, but very much worth it.
- A list of all the people I got to see : Adam, Mom, Dad, Helen, Raegan, Ross, Amanda, James, Tori (and Tori's family!), Brutus, Tracy, Sara, Ginger, Caitlin, Dana, KIM!, Chrishelle (sp?), Nakayla, Rachel, and there may be more. I got so much good people-time in :)
- Mom food = Amazing. Still. I am sure it always will be.
- Getting to go on an actual physical date with Adam is so much fun! I hope to have them more often than once every 5 months from now on. :)

- Warm, good food, friendly people, semi-quiet town, a lot of alcohol everywhere. However, the fun music festivals make it a good place to hang out.
- Will I ever live someplace that isn't flat??? I feel like I only live in flat places now. I really do love rolling hills and mountains!
- Shopping was weird at first because there were just so many choices!
- Realized I needed summer clothes because I am so used to covering up more body parts in Malaysia.
- It is nice to not be stared at anymore (except on the rig, but then, that is just normal).
- Getting used to the office here is weird. I am not used to going into the office being an optional thing.
- I can't wait to go to my defensive driving course so my car can come down here and I can go do things on my own! I am excited to have control back over certain portions of my life again.
- Best part : both of my new roommates are friends I've made previously in foreign locations. There is Tanya who worked in Africa and another Rebecca who worked in China. They are both pretty nice.

- HUGE. Really. Really. Big.
- Excellent food. Every meal is a crazy exercise in self control.
- Fun rig crew. Nice MWDs.
- Semi-sub, so we are always moving just a little bit. I haven't gotten sea sick, but I do feel a little dizzy sometimes.
- Comfy rooms, wireless internet, tvs, nice break rooms, and a sweet gym!
- No Cinnamon Life cereal, however, I came prepared and brought my own!!
- Possible actual schedule if I stick with these guys. I am excited about the potential for a semi-life if I work here.

And what will be an updated thing from now on...WEDDING STUFF!
- It is happening people! Oct 22. Unless something crazy changes.
- Outside, unless the weather is horrible.
- A delicious cake will be in attendance, which means I will also be in attendance.
- I have bridesmaids. And now power! Lots and lots of power! I am excited to abuse it.
- My goal is to freak out less than 5 times throughout the entire process. I have already done it twice so wish me luck.
- Even though I will be on rigs, I cannot wait to work out more details with my mother and sisters. This is also the prime time for James to get favorite sister status if he wants ;)
- I cannot wait to get to marry Adam! No, I will not start counting down yet. That is for later.

That is all for now. Sorry this was so long. I promise now that I have gotten over the 1st-blog-in-awhile-hump that they will be more regular from now on.

Have a marvelous, wonderful, sunny-yet-not-too-warm Monday.

I love you all.



Anonymous said...

Good to hear from you Becca...

I have been checking daily...that is to say, everytime I get on the computer as I was missing the updates on your life.

My plan is to make several "proto-type" bracelets this next week for your viewing via smart phone.

Love you, G'ma J

Anonymous said...

Good to hear from you Becca...

I have been checking daily...that is to say, everytime I get on the computer as I was missing the updates on your life.

My plan is to make several "proto-type" bracelets this next week for your viewing via smart phone.

Love you, G'ma J

Anonymous said...

I am so happy for you that things seem to be going so well for you! I hope that Adam is able to transfer to Lafayette although I'll miss him as I miss you but I can't be selfish. He really is yours! October 22 is a most excellent day! It will be beautiful, rain or shine! So glad that we were able to see each other. Thanks for coming in the the tutoring center. Keep in touch.

Miss you-Kim

Tracy said...

October 22?!?!?! Quit changing dates on me. I thought you said the 15th? Good thing I didn't book my trip to Orlando yet.
Ok, now that my small rant is out of the way: Yay! I'm so happy to hear from you. I thought you had fallen all of the blogging map.
I'm glad to hear you are like your job again, well sort of.
Plus it was so great to see you. I'll be posting again tonight or tomorrow about the food trucks and other exciting stuff. I miss you like crazy! Only seeing you for like 3 days was not enough!

helen said...

Small complaint: What happened to calling me on Saturday? I guess Adam calling you at 2:30 AM probably happened. Oh well. :) I am excited to help you with wedding plans. Note: I am writing down every single time you do anything that you complained about me and Amanda doing when we were young and in love, and I am going to put it somewhere and remind you of it for forever. :D Love you sister!

Becca said...

G'ma - You should be hearing from me a bit more often from now on I think and I am excited to see the proto-types!! I have some feedback on bead designs I need to send you.

Kim - I hope that Adam can transfer down to Lafayette too, but I will just keep my fingers crossed. I am so glad I got to see you!

Green - Yeah. The date was a fail on my part. I will explain it at some point when we are together again, which hopefully is soon!!!

Helen - Also a fail on my part. I promise I will call you from the rig some early morning and we can catch up. I ended up having to go to the rig earlier than I thought I was going to. And I probably deserve the list of annoying things... :)