Thursday, December 16, 2010


Hey People! Sorry I haven't written anything in  awhile. School has been incredibly busy for the past week. I actually haven't had a day off in almost two weeks. It's not bad, but it does make the class feel like it is going a bit longer.

In other news : I passed my MaxWell!!!! It was a rough 7 hours and a scary 4 day wait for the results, but I am so so so happy I am done with it. It was my second to last really difficult test, as well as my longest one. As I can only really fail one test without negative consequences (though I haven't yet), every subsequent test I pass is a bit of a relief. Today I had another test, ADN (Azimuthal Density of our tools) and though it wasn't easy I feel like I did pretty well! Now I only have two tests, one practical assessment, and two final presentations left!

So that is my life right now; studying, tests, sleeping, then waking up and then doing it all over again the next day. :) Such is life.

Then there is....PLANE FLIGHT HOME!  I plan to sleep the whole way in an attempt to jump onto Kansas time so I have as little jetlag as possible.

Can't wait to see everyone and everything! I am definitely going to layer up when I step off that plane in Manhattan.

Love you guys!!


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